If desired, the answer back horn feature can be deactivated using the Intelligent Key. When it is deactivated and the button is pushed, the hazard indicator lights flash twice. When the button is pushed, neither the hazard indicator lights nor the horn operates.
If you change the answer back horn and light flash feature with the Intelligent Key while the ignition is in the ON position, the vehicle information display screen will show the previous mode. The vehicle information display screen will show the currentmodeafter the ignition switch has been cycled from the OFF to the ON position. The vehicle information display screen can also be used to change the answer back horn mode. For additional information refer to “Vehicle information display” in the “Instruments and controls” section of this manual.
To deactivate: Press and hold the and buttons for at least 2 seconds. The hazard indicator lights will flash three times to confirm that the answer back horn feature has been deactivated.
To activate: Press and hold the and buttons for at least 2 seconds once more.
The hazard indicator lights will flash once and the horn will sound once to confirm that the horn beep feature has been reactivated.
Deactivating the horn beep feature does not silence the horn if the alarm is triggered.
The autolight system allows the headlights to turn on and off automatically. The autolight system can:
Turn on the headlights, front parking, tail, license plate and instrument panel lights automatically when it is dark. Turn off all the lights (except daylight running lights) when it is light. Keep all the lights on for a period of time after you place the ignition switch in the OFF position and all doors are closed.