Do not allow cargo to contact the top tether strap when it is attached to the top tether anchor. Properly secure the cargo so it does not contact the top tether strap.Cargothat is not properly secured or cargothat contacts the top tether strap may damage it during a collision. A child could be seriously injured or killed in a collision if the top tether strap is damaged.
Child restraint anchorages are designed to withstand only those loads imposed by correctly fitted child restraints. Under no circumstances are they to be used to attach adult seat belts, or other items or equipment to the vehicle. Doing so could damage the child restraint anchorages. The child restraint will not be properly installed using the damaged anchorages, and a child could be seriously injured or killed in a collision.
Rear bench seat
Top tether strap
Anchor point
Top tether anchor point locations
Anchor points are located in the following locations:
If you have any questions when installing a top tether strap, it is recommended that you visit a NISSAN dealer for this service.
LATCH system lower anchor locations - bench seat
Your vehicle is equipped with special anchor points that are used with LATCH system compatible child restraints. This system may also be referred to as the ISOFIX or ISOFIX compatible system. With this system, you do not have to use a vehicle seat belt to secure the child restraint unless the combined weight of the child and child restraint exceeds 65 lbs. (29.5 kg). If the combined weight of the child and child restraint is greater than 65 lbs. (29.5 kg), use the vehicle’s seat belt (not the lower anchors) to install the child restraint. Be sure to follow the child restraint manufacturer’s instructions for installation.