Nissan Murano: Fuel-filler cap / Loose Fuel Cap warning message

Nissan Murano 2015-2025 Owners Manual / Pre-driving checks and adjustments / Fuel-filler door / Fuel-filler cap / Loose Fuel Cap warning message

Nissan Murano. Loose Fuel Cap warning message

The Loose Fuel Cap warning message appears in the vehicle information display when the fuel-filler cap is not tightened correctly after the vehicle has been refueled. It may take a few driving trips for the message to be displayed. To turn off the warning message, perform the following:

  1. Remove and install the fuel-filler cap as soon as possible. For additional information, refer to “Fuel-filler cap” in this section.
  2. Tighten the fuel-filler cap until it clicks.
  3. Press the Nissan Murano. Loose Fuel Cap warning message button on the steering wheel for about one second to turn off the Loose Fuel Cap warning message after tightening the fuel-filler cap.

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